
Vayudoot is one of the Transport Service in India, he provides of trucks Refrigerated transportation Services for the consignments that weigh from 15 MT to 26 MT more products to be transported. Refrigerated transport services in Mumbai are executed by our trained and experienced professionals as per the exact needs of clients. In this service, our refrigerated transport services agents perform all the work including loading and unloading of goods and their transportation from one place to another place via road by using latest vehicles. Refrigerated transport services in Delhi Offered service is known for its careful planning, personalized approach and timely execution. Refrigerated trucks for rent in Delhi Loading on products and checked weight properly in order to ensure the number of products. Besides, clients can avail these Refrigerated Transport Service in India from us at economical prices.

We have set high standards in every facet of transportation, and strive to keep raising the bar. With our extensive industry knowledge and skilled team, you can completely focus on your core interests whereas leaving the tiring and complex moving process on us. Time-critical? No worries – Vayudoot will help you!

Vayudoot Logistics provides services, refrigerated lorry, and cold storage refrigerated trucking companies to customers in the food & beverage, agricultural, pharmaceutical, food service, and retail industries. refrigerated transport companies Over the past 15 years, we have grown in the Vayudoot refrigerated truck rental in Chennai area delivering a complete range of logistics solutions to customers ranging from local businesses to international fortune 300 companies in many different industries like Food Processing Industry, dedicated reefer trucks we are engaged in providing Refrigerated Transport Service in India. Designed in compliance with quality standards, our best trucks are widely used for transporting perishable products at cold temperature. Our reefer transportation truck refrigeration is CFC free and microprocessor controlled system that has attained an appreciation for longer service life.

Being the prime logistics services provider, we believe that people, technology, infrastructure and expertise all work together to help businesses to succeed and henceforth, we are offering the right blend of all these.

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